
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2012

Dec 11, 2012

What will I do today? 1. I should be succeeded to set phusion passenger on my computer.

Ubuntu delete whitespace using vim

MacVim icon, glossy style (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Well, I share to you to delete white space using vim. Please follow me. 1. Copy function below to ~/.vimrc function! DelWhiteSpace()   %s/\s\+$//e endfunction autocmd BufWritePre     *.rb :call DelWhiteSpace() 2. Open a file that has whitespace and write :call DelWhiteSpace() 3. And write to save and quit :wq Hopefully this article is useful. :)

fancybox making function condition

Hello guys, I would to share about making function. You can take condition on your fancybox. In my case: I have checkbox that should be checked to show the fancybox. <pre> <script type="text/javascript">   $("#invitation-message").fancybox({     'onStart': function()     {       var $list_friends = $('input[id^="friends"][type="checkbox"]:checked');       var condition_friend = $list_friends.length       if (condition_friend > 0) {          alert('a')       } else {         alert('b')       }       }     }); </script> </pre> Hopefully this article to be useful. :)

Ubuntu An error occurred while loading the archive.

Ubuntu-logo-unique-image (Photo credit: Jeffpro57 ) Archive:  /home/lap048/Documents/ahjah/ [/home/lap048/Documents/ahjah/]   End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not   a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the   latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on   the last disk(s) of this archive. zipinfo:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/lap048/Documents/ahjah/ or           /home/lap048/Documents/ahjah/, and cannot find /home/lap048/Documents/ahjah/, period. Solution: 1. Open Terminal and go to     cd ~/Document/ 2. run this:     jar xvf Hopefully this article useful. Thanks

Belajar Regular Expresion

Ini adalah link yang akan membantu untuk belajar Regular Expresion

Ruby On Rails Job

Hi Everyone. I will to share to you about finding job on the foreign. this is the link: You can write your country what you want. Hopefully this acticle useful.