
Menampilkan postingan dari 2013

Cara Mengurus Perpanjang SIM dan Rincian Biaya di Lumajang.

Halo, Saat ini saya ingin berbagi informasi tentang rincian biaya dalam Mengurus Perpanjangan Surat Ijin Mengemudi (SIM) C di Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur Tanggal 9 Desember 2013. Langkah yang harus diikuti sesuai urutan di bawah ini, sebagai berikut: 1. Biaya parkir seiklasnya min Rp. 1.000. 2. Pergi ke check kesehatan letaknya di luar kantor satlantas. Biaya check kesehatan Rp. 22.000. 3. Kemudian pergi ke tempat pembayaran formulir di bank yang sudah ada di dalam satlantas. Biaya formulir perpanjang SIM Rp. 75.000. 4. Kemudian melakukan sidik jari. Biaya sidik jari Rp. 10.000. 5. Kemudian membayar biaya asuransi di sebelah ruangan sidik jari. Biaya Asuransi Keselamatan Diri Pengemudi (AKDP) Rp. 30.000 6. Kemudian foto dan tandatangan SIM. 7. Setelah itu menunggu proses SIM selesai. 8. Terdapat biaya dompet SIM ini optional. Biaya Rp. 3000. Sehingga total yang harus dikerluakan adalah Rp. 138.000 tanpa dompet SIM. Jika sama dompet SIM maka totalnya Rp. 141.000. Yang ...

Ubuntu 10.04 Enable Mobile Broadband GSM Network Disconnecting.

Hi all,  You have a problem on disconnecting modem so the gsm network did not show again. Please follow me: 1. remove modem 2. shut down pc 3. boot without modem 4. wait for the system to fully load 5. from terminal: sudo stop network-manager     check that system responds "network-manager stop/waiting" 6. from terminal: sudo killall modem-manager     you can check that nothing is running with: ps -A | grep -i manager 7. from terminal: sudo dmesg -c 8. NOW attach modem and WAIT 30 seconds 9. from terminal: dmesg 10. from terminal: lsusb      Check again terminal output to find the modem and /dev/ttyUSBx ports I hope this article can help you. This article from the

Setting Virtual Host pada Ubuntu 10.10

Screenshot of Ubuntu version 10.10 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi semua, Saat ini saya akan memberikan beberapa langkah - langkah agar dapat setting virtual host pada ubuntu 10.10. Langkah - langkahnya sebagai berikut: 1. Buat file yang berhubungan dengan project Anda tanpa ekstensi file di /etc/apache2/sites-available.     Misalnya project. 2. Di dalam file project di dalamnya tuliskan,     <VirtualHost *:80>     # name server admin       ServerAdmin webmaster@testing_project.localhost     # server name yang akan di tulis di url browser [http://testing_project.localhost/]       ServerName testing_project.localhost     # Dokumen root proyek       DocumentRoot /home/deploy_user/project     # log error, nama terserah       ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/testing_project-error.log       LogLevel warn     # log custom nama t...

PT Walden Global Services Career and Jobs

Selamat pagi semua, Kali ini saya akan memberikan sebuah informasi yang mungkin dapat bermanfaat buat teman - teman yang sedang ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan yang begerak di bidang IT. Saat ini perusahaan besar yang  begerak di bidang IT ini terletak di Bandung - Jawa Barat, Indonesia yang kita sering ketahui adalah  PT Walden Global Sevices .  Perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan yang memiliki visi yang bagus yaitu ini ingin menjadi perusahaan IT terbesar se Asia Tenggara. Sehingga tidak salah bagi teman - teman yang ingin berpartisipasi di perusahaan ini. Lebih lengkapnya  Tentang PT Walden Global Services . Kali ini perusahaan PT Walden Global Sevices  akan membuka beberapa bidang IT yang tersedia yaitu: Web Developer IOS Developer Java Developer .Net Developer IT Consultant Lebih Lengkapnya  Career PT Walden Global Services . Career PT Walden Global Services

Install balsamiq on ubuntu 10.10

Hi all want to share to you on installing balsamiq on ubuntu 10.10 1. Go to terminal wget chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin balsamiq mockups screenshot (Photo credit: ZhangYining ) 2. Go to And download linux version. 3. After that double click the . deb file 4. And click intall on ubuntu software center I hope this article can help you.

Lowongan Pekerjaan - Web Desainer Bsaaal Company

Bsaaal Company merupakan perusahaan star up dibidang IT yang ada di Bandung - Jawa Barat. Kami sedang membangun beberapa project dan product yang akan dikembangkan sampai akhir tahun ini. Requirement adalah: 1. Ada ketertariakan di bidang desain website maupun mobile. 2. Menguasai software  minimal Adobe Photoshop. 3. Keinginan kuat untuk terus menekuni di bidang web desainer. 4. Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun. Kelebihan bekerjasama dengan Bsaal Company sebagai berikut: 1. Bisa di kerjakan di luar kantor. 2. Gaji berdasarkan keberhasilan project. 3. Kami juga lebih menekankan kepada bagi hasil terhadap project yang akan kami kerjakan. Apabila Anda ingin bergabung dengan bsaal company segera kirimkan lamaran Anda, CV lengkap dan foto terbaru ke:

Rails Query Database Without ActiveRecord

The official logo of the database query MySQL Slovenčina: Oficiálne logo dotazovací databázy MySQL (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi all, I want to share to query Mysql without ActiveRecord (find_by_sql, or where, or connection). Please follow me to query 1. Please go to rails console 2. And and the this line.

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1434 H

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 02 (Photo credit: Irwan H. Nuswanto ) Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1434 H

Pari Island vacation in Muara Angke Harbor.

Hi all, Pari Island vacation at Muara Angke Harbor. :) Image: Morning at Muara Angke.

Introduction Regular Expression part 1 by muhamad akbar bin widayat

regex to transform StudlyCase to camelCase (Photo credit: chris.corwin ) Hi, all I will share you about learning regular expression(regex) . The concept to make regex is about determining pattern of string or word or anything that have pattern. What the first you do?. I try to share to you about creating simple regex first. On making regex you should know what the pattern your string after that you should make from simple first regex. Because when you start with simple regex first is began to make you more complex regex. 1. I have string       "111-111".     scenario pattern: should the first word is integer the first integer include only 3 number include (-) after integer after that should include only 3 number in last string. 2. After determining pattern, you should write the regex. Add /^/ is means the start of first character Add /\d{3}/ is means the string include only 3 number Add /-/ is pattern of string Add /\d{...

Ruby on Rails Regex Delete Array in string or word or in sentences.

Official Ruby logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi all, I will share to you to delete array in string using regex. Please follow me: 1. using regex str.match(/^.*KOPIKO.*$/) for example   def self.delete_string_with_regex     str = "KOPIKO RASA JERUK MANIS DAN MINT"     arr = ["KOPIKOS", "JERUK", "COY"]     arr.delete_if {|arr| str.match(/^.*#{arr}.*$/)}   end

Ubuntu Import or Dump MySQL databases

Hi All, I will share to you about import data on MySQL. Please follow me: 1. prepare your file city.sql 2. use this in your command line.     mysql -u root -p database_name < city.sql I hope this article can help you.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) on Ruby on rails part 1

Ruby on Rails logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi all, Currently, I want to share to you about applying Object Oriented Programming (OOP) on Ruby on Rails. When you want to make object oriented programming in Ruby on rails please do this. 1. Read about Object Oriented Programming concept first. 2. Read about object oriented programming on ruby on rails. On above is concept first what you should know on applying object oriented on Ruby on Rails. I hope this article can help you to make you code more apply the Object Oriented Programming concept.

Ruby on Rails Multiple ssh on Github

Hi All, I want to share to you about setting multiple git account on your computer. Please follow me: - Generate new ssh-key:    ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/accountB -C "" - Create or Modify the .ssh/config    #office account    Host      HostName        User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/office    #project account    Host      HostName        User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/private - When you clone project office:    git clone - When you clone project private:   git clone I hope this article can help you.

Ruby On Rails submit with image button

Hi all, I will share you about adding image on rails. Please follow me. 1. code html: product search 2. code rails: 'get' do %> product search Please using image_submit_tag I hope this article is usefully.

Rails console on staging or production with RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec rails c

Hi Everyone, I want to share on runinng rails c on staging or production, please follow me. 1. Enter to you path folder application on staging. 2. RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec rails c I hope this article can help you guys.

Rails PostgreSQL Group BY query

The blue/white elephant logo of the PostgreSQL RDBMS in SVG format. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi Everyone, Currently I use PostgreSQL in my apps. When I starting query on PostgreSQL is difference with mysql. I often had error like this "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::Error: ERROR:  column "tabulars.year" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 1: SELECT year FROM "tabulars"  GROUP BY id". So I try to revised my query on below. For instance: 1. When I want to group by:     on MySql :     @tabulars =[:tabular]).joins(:user).group([:year, :user_id]).paginate(per_page: DEFAULT_PER_PAGE, page: params[:page])      on PostgreSql:      @tabulars =[:tabular]).select([:year, :user_id]).joins(:user).group([:year, :user_id]).paginate(per_page: DEFAULT_PER_PAGE, page: params[:page]) 2. On PostgreSql the select column is required on ...

by on Rails can't convert ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess into String

Ruby on Rails logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi Everyone, I had a errors can't convert ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess into String. This errors because I wrong on determining params json. For example: 1. I had params: {:tabular => {"file"=>"data_tabular_Pemerintahan (Adm Pemerintahan, Aparatur Negara dan Adm Kepegawaian)_kecamatan Admin_2013.xls"}} 2. I call on my speadsheet:     def export       workbook =[:tabular])     end 3. On above is not specified to parse parameter. So put this     def export       workbook =[:tabular][:file])     end I hope this article can help you,

Ruby on Rails Export Excel without gem and Change the filename excel

Ruby on Rails logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi Everyone, Currently I want to share to you how to make export function without gem and I change/modify the filename. Please follow me below: 1. Add mime type on config/initializers/mime_types.rb     Mime::Type.register "application/xls", :xls 2. Add on your controller     def index       @tabulars = Tabular.all       filename = "data_users.xls"       respond_to do |format|         format.html         format.xls { headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}\"" }       end     end 3. Add on your view:     <%= link_to "Export",  tabulars_path(format: "xls") %> 4, Add format index.xls.erb file:        <table>           <tr>              <th...

Rails Ancestry Named scope 'to_depth' is only available when depth caching is enabled

Hi Everyone, I will share to you about my experience when had error "Named scope 'to_depth' is only available when depth caching is enabled". Please try below: 1. Add new migration     - Migrate: add_column [tables], :ancestry_depth, :integer, :default => 0     - Build cache: TreeNode.rebuild_depth_cache! 2. Go to model     -  has_ancestry cache_depth: true I hope this article can help you. :)

Rails 3: Heroku run rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed

Hi All, Currently I will share to you about resetting the database on heroku. As default heroku use pg database. When you want to run db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed as follow: 1. When you want the drop table     heroku pg:reset DATABASE --confirm calm-ravine-2846. The calm-ravine-2846 is my apps on heroku. 2. When create database    heroku run rake db:create 3. When migrate table    heroku run rake db:migrate 4. When seed data    heroku run rake db:seed I hope this article can help you guys. :)



Ruby on Rails captcha with ajax on rendering file

Hi all, I will share to you about using captcha with ajax on rendering file: 1. Please add     <%= recaptcha_tags display: { theme: "white" }, ajax: true %> 2. And reload the form. I hope this article can help you guys. :)

Backbone.js by muhamad akbar bin widayat

Hi all,   Saat membaca documentasi  backbones ,  backbones  memberikan konsep Model View Collection.  Backbone  memberikan dampak yang baik bagi website yang menggunakan single page. Karena  backbone  dengan kebelihananya mendukung feature single page. Sebagai contoh single page adalah gmail.  Backbone  juga merupakan suatu library javascript yang object oriented dan bisa dikatakan MVC juga.     Saat mempelajari  backbones , ternyata  backbones  tidak sama dengan jquery. Namun jquery sebagai partner dan pendukung saja, saat menggunakan jquery harus di deklarasikan terlebih dahulu.  Backbones  memiliki events2 standart sama layaknya dengan jquery. Saat di gabunggakan dengan rails, maka view di rails tidak akan di pakai karena diubah menjadi view yang menggunakan  backbones . Kelebihan  backbone js yang lain adalah libarynya sangat ringan hanya 6.3 kb. Ini juga yang menjadi...

Ruby on Rails 3 Carrierwave is not show or display on staging or production

English: Ruby on Rails logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi all, I had a problem when using Carrierwave on staging or production. The problem is about the image is not display on staging or production. Please follow me to fix that. 1. Go to config/environments/production.rb and config/environments/staging.rb 2. Change the config.serve_static_assets = false     into config.serve_static_assets = true 3. restart server production Note: When always not show image. 1. Go to the app/uploaders/avatar_uploader.rb 2. Add line     permission 0777 3. resrart the server I this article the help you. :)

Rack::Lint::LintError: Status must be >=100 seen as integer

Hi All, When you have this error please restart again your server faye and user environment production . rackup -s thin -E production I hope this article can help you guys.

Ruby on Rails Could not find sprockets-2.0.0.beta.10 in any of the sources

Hi, I want to share to you about the resolving sprockets gem. Follow me: 1. Change the rails gem 'rails', '3.1.0.rc4 into:     gem 'rails', '3.1.0rc5' 2. Then:      bundle update I hope this article can resolve your application. :)

Android Sony Xperia Miro

Xperia miro (Photo credit: Moridin_ ) Hi all, This is Sony Xperia Miro.

Ubuntu Install Terminator

Terminator (Photo credit: .::Element2048::. ) Install terminator on ubuntu : 1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminator 2. sudo apt-get update 3. sudo apt-get install terminator I hope this article can help you. :)

Ubuntu connect, create database and restore/import postgresql

PostgreSQL logo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi everyone, I want to share to you about setting database postgresql. 1. Connect database     sudo -u postgres psql postgres     password: postgres 2. Create database     sudo -u postgres createdb mydb 3. Restore/import database     sudo -u postgres psql -d mydb < database.dump I hope this article can help you guys.

Ruby On Rails undefined method `name' for "actionmailer":String (NoMethodError)

This is caused the version the rubygems are difference. When using rvm           rvm rubygems 1.3.7 When not using rvm            gem install rubygems -v 1.3.7 I hope this can help you guys. :)

Ubuntu: Copy content file to outside file

sudo apt-get install xclip # Downloads and installs xclip xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/ # Copies the contents of the file to your clipboard

Git can not checkout file

Hi, I want to share to you when you can not checkout file. In my case, I had difficulty when I pulled application on first time from branch master, I could not checkout my file. So I did below: 1. Go to gitconfig nano ~/.gitconfig 2. Delete line or comment on    [core]     autocrl = true 3. Save the file. 4. Check with git status I hope this article is useful. Thanks

Install Smartfren Connex EC176-2 pada Linux Ubuntu 10.04

Cara install Smartfren EC176-2 pada linux Ubuntu 10.04: 1. Buka terminal dan Install wvdial     sudo apt-get install wvdial 2. Pasang modem smartfren 3. Ketik pada terminal:     sudo su     masukkan password root 3. Ketik:     cd /media/Smartfren/ 4. Ketik:     bash /media/Smartfren/install_linux 6. Tunggu sampai proses selesai. Semoga bermanfaat artikel. Jika ada pertanyaan bisa ditanyakan lewat form komentar. Terimakasih    

Android Teka-Teki Silang (TTS)

Pamer : umbra Kelompok badan legislatif yang sepaham : fraksi Pengaturan : regulasi Hawa; udara : suasana Kontan; tunai: kes Perserikatan; ikatan : uni Intesifikasi Khusus: insus Nama pohon yang akarnya dapat dijadikan obat penyakit mulut dan kuku pada lemau: maja Alat penuai padi: ani Ukuran kecepatan film: ASA Ringkasnya; ikhtisar: ijmal Pengurus perusahaan monopoli pemerintah: regi hasil cetakan yang dasarnya berwarna pekat, gambar atau teksnya putih: dias Bunga siam: lasana Rongga dada: atrium Syair panjang yang bercerita riwayat perjuangan seorang pahlawan Memprovokasi; mengadu domba: hasut Berangsur - angsur; sedikit demi sedikit

TTS: Adik perempuan ayah atau ibu


TTS: Teramat mulia

Teramat mulia : azam

Ruby On Rails prevent Double Ajax on click submit button when using remote true

Hi all, You are ever to get double Ajax request when using remote true on submit form using Ruby on Rails. I want to show you what we do first based on my experiences. You only put :disable_with on your button submit form <%= f.submit "Save", disable_with: "Loading..." %> I hopefully this article is usefull.

Vim: Find and replace word

vim logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Please follow me to find and replace word in vim. 1. without confirm and only one word to replace :s/foo/bar/g 2. with confirm and all word to replace :%s/foo/bar/gc Hopefully this article is useful.

Puisi Hidup Bernaham Sinau

Hidup Bernaham Sinau Saat engkau membuka mata. Engkau akan membuka hatiku dari kedalaman. Saat itulah aku berharap untuk menjaring mu. Di situlah aku rasa hidup bernaham sinau.

Vim: Call Function on .vimrc

Follow me: 1. Open file using vim vim app.rb 2. Write :call nameFunction()

Ubuntu Install: Install .deb packages?

Please follow me: 1. Open your packages cd ~/Downloads 2. Write this code sudo dpkg -i file.deb 3. And wait a minute I hope this articel is useful. Thanks


Clash of the Olympians cara main Mouse = Arahkan & Membidik Klik dan tahan untuk mengisi meter tenaga, lalu lepaskan untuk membom musuh yang datang! Bunuh gerombolan musuh sebelum mereka merusak kuil kamu, atau game ini tamat. Beli peningkatan dan kemampuan dengan XP yang kamu peroleh. Dapatkan XP dan poin bonus pada akhir setiap level dengan cara meraih hadiah bonus! THANK BAJA Cara Main Kiri/Kanan = Move Mouse = Arahkan & Tembak Spasi = Nuklir Serang pesawat musuh dan kendaraan darat sambil merunduk dan menembaki bom yang datang! Setelah setiap level, gunakan poin untuk membeli peningkatan persenjataan. Jika kamu dalam keadaan gawat dan punya nuklir (ikon radiasi di sudut kiri atas), gunakan ini untuk mengosongkan seluruh layar. Heli putih adalah pesawat teman yang akan menjatuhkan persediaan khusus, jadi pungut. Kamu diberi 3 tank—setelah tank kamu habis, game tamat. PERANG ANTAR PLANET cara Main Mouse = Bergerak & Menembak ATAU Panah = Ber...

cara mengganti search google yang memiliki bahasa Indonesia saja

Image via CrunchBase Saya mendapatkan kasus saat saya melakukan pencarian kata kunci yang berbahasa Inggris menggunakan google . Saat itu URL yang saya ketik adalah sehingga yang hasil pencarian berbahasa inggris semua. Dulunya ada untuk lihat versi Indonesia saja namun sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi. Sehingga saya mengganti URL menjadi Semoga bermanfaat. :)

Introspeksi diri sendiri sebagai IT developer 2012

Resolusi pekerjaan sebagai IT developer untuk tahun 2013 Kekurangan di tahun 2012: Masih belum paham html dan css dengan baik. Masih belum mengerti slicing menggunakan photoshop Masih belum mengerti cara setting server rails Masih belum update tentang teknologi untuk rails Belum paham mengenai newrelic, yslow Masih belum explore tentang ubuntu Masih belum mengerti tentang proses paypal Masih belum paham tentang cront job di ubuntu Masih belum membuat webiste portofolio diri Masih belum mengerti OOP di rails dan MVC rails Masih belum mempelajari bahasa pemrograman php. Yang telah di pahami di tahun 2012: Mengerti tentang jquery dasar (show, hide, click, live, hover) Mengerti tentang plugin jquery (fancybox, sliding form, autocomplete) Mengerti tentang javascript Mengerti tentang API facebook, google reader, tumblr, twitter, wordiness Mengerti tentang gem Devise, friendly id, message, rails best practise, delayed_job, cucumber, database_cleaner, capybara, facto...